
Breakfast Television’s Tammie Sutherland replaced by beloved host as she goes missing without warning

BREAKFAST Television’s Tammie Sutherland has gone missing from the show.

The television presenter was replaced by another host for her usual segment on the Canadian morning broadcast show.


Breakfast Television’s Tammie Sutherland has gone missing from the showCredit: Citytv
She was replaced by Melissa Duggan (pictured left)


She was replaced by Melissa Duggan (pictured left)Credit: YouTube/Breakfast Television

Tammie was replaced by the host Melissa Duggan, but audiences were not told why.

Melissa said “Nice to see you on this Wednesday morning. I’m Melissa Duggan in for Tammie Sutherland.”

She continued: “Just for today only.”

The news anchor carried on after the brief mention of Tammie: “It’s November first if you can believe it.”

The camera cut to show her presenting with the weather specialist Frank Ferragine.

Melissa said: “Frank Ferragine. Halloween was yesterday but you have something scary behind you.”

Frank could be seen standing in a snowy scene and howled at the camera like a wolf.

He asked: “Did you have a wild and crazy Halloween night?”

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Melissa replied: “Heck no. I was in bed very early.”

Tammie’s absence was not addressed any further, but her name was mentioned later in the show when Melissa was discussing the Poppy Campaign.

She asked: “Frank can I share a story with you really quickly?”

Frank agreed and Melissa continued: “Tammie Sutherland. Away for the day she’s going to be back tomorrow.

“She sent me a message yesterday saying ‘Hey, listen I know you’re going to be coming in as a last-minute thing, I’ve left a poppy on my desk just in case you need one.’

“I wanted to share a shout-out to Tammie Sutherland, always thinking about other people.”


Tammie’s unexplained absence came after fellow host Sid Seixerio stormed off set on Tuesday’s episode.

The news anchor could be heard ranting as he walked off the set on Tuesday’s broadcast of the Canadian morning show.

Sid, 46, appeared next to Meredith Shaw during a spooky segment on their Halloween special.

The pair appeared on set early in the morning dressed casually in black to see if they could detect any ghosts.

Sid started the show with a serious look on his face and said: “It’s 3:25am.”

Meredith, dressed in a black sweatsuit emphasized: “Am.”

Sid pointed around him and continued: “We want to know, with it being Halloween, what other vibes exist.

“So we have some actual ghost hunters in the building.”

The presenter was cut off, as a ghost-detecting device off-camera spoke out and said: “Disregard.”

Startled, both Sid and Meredith looked down.

Meredith repeated: “Disregard?”

Sid looked worried and replied: “No, I’m not going to disregard.”

Meredith reassured him: “It’s talking. OK it’s already happening around here.”

Sid then looked exasperated before saying “Oh my God” and walking off set.

He asked: “Alright, what the f**k is going on here?”

The camera followed Sid walking off set while the crew giggled.

Melissa complimented Tammie on air


Melissa complimented Tammie on airCredit: YouTube/Breakfast Television
Melissa mentioned that her covering the show was a last-minute decision


Melissa mentioned that her covering the show was a last-minute decisionCredit: X/meldug
The presenter took over the Citytv show


The presenter took over the Citytv showCredit: X/meldug

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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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