
The 10 Best Himbo Characters on Television, Ranked

Himbo characters are the boy version of the noble bimbo character. Himbos are the kind of people who see the world simply enough that they can cut through the nonsense and keep their priorities straight. They’re wonderful examples of male characters who don’t need to showboat and who aren’t threatened by not being the smartest person in the room.

Himbo characters tend to be gorgeous and strong and prioritize emotional intelligence over book smarts. Sometimes, they do rub a few brain cells together and come up with something brilliant — often by accident. And though their biceps may be large, their strongest muscle will always be their heart.

10 Steve Can’t Write an Essay, but He’s Great with Kids

Stranger Things

10 TV Heroes Who Would Make Amazing Villains

Steve starts off as a handsome but unkind love interest rival in Stranger Things. His character comes alive when he stops being the bully that peaked in high school, though. When untold creatures terrorize Hawkins and put the neighborhood kids in danger’s way, Steve steps up.

Steve may be scared and clueless all the while, but he’s determined to make sure that everyone is okay. Beyond fighting for their physical safety, Steve does a lot of emotional work guiding the kids, keeping them safe and helping them grow. He’s the best kind of ex-bully-turned-babysitter role model.

9 Andy Is a Big Kid in a Man’s Body

Parks & Recreation

Andy begins as a garden variety mooching boyfriend in Parks and Recreation. Even when he’s tossed out, he still doesn’t know what to do with himself and lives in a ditch until he figures out his life. Andy may need some help growing up, but eventually he does.

Andy’s surrounded by exceptionally smart people, from his ex-girlfriend Ann to Lesley Knope to his eventual partner, April Ludgate. Though he’s a complete goof, he tends to trip upon some cutting wisdom once in a while. And once he realizes that April is the girl for him, he doesn’t let her go. While their life is by no means conventional, they are functional, healthy, and happy.

8 Rafael Leads with His Heart

Jane the Virgin

Rafael and Jane look to the side in Jane the Virgin

The Best Couples on TVRafael lived most of his privileged life as a playboy in Jane the Virgin. His priorities changed when he got sick with cancer and had to face that mortal threat. He realized what he truly wanted was peace, emotional security, love, and a family.

When he first met Jane, Rafael was still in playboy mode, but he admired her intelligence and her dreams. As a father, Rafael puts his family first even more than he did before. Regardless of whatever farfetched drama gets thrown his way, he shows patience and fairness to Jane and his child.

7 Fred Barely Solves Mysteries, but He’s Pretty and Reliable

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!

Fred Jones looks at a piece of paper in Scooby-Doo

Scooby-Doo, Where Are You!‘s Fred is an excellent himbo example, stemming back to the ’60s. Though he’s the de facto leader of the Mystery Incorporated gang, he always puts the gang first. Except for when it comes to pairing himself off with his crush, Daphne, he puts others’ needs and wants above his.

The true brains of Mystery Incorporated is, of course, Velma. Fred is a complete airhead compared to Velma; he’s easily fooled by tall tales, especially in his younger days. And though sometimes Fred can make silly decisions, he’s pretty easy to reel in.

6 Shoresy Charms with His Devoted, Golden Retriever Nature


Shoresy hits the ice with the Bulldogs

Shoresey started off as a side character in Letterkenny, but he’s so well-liked that he got his own spinoff, aptly titled Shoresy. The show explores his character beyond his fast-paced insults and ribbing. Though he may be a beefy hockey player, he has an uncharacteristically high voice and loves drama, which is a huge part of his hilarity and charm.

When Shoresy likes a girl, he has no pride, either. Macho feeling doesn’t really enter his mind or heart. He’s not above asking for attention and putting himself on the line to prove how much he would worship Laura. Even when Laura essentially calls him stupid and loutish, Shoresy takes the lighthearted insult on the chin and leans into it.

5 Kev Barely Knows What’s Going On, but He’s There When Anyone Needs Help


Kev looking at the computer in Shameless

10 Amazing TV Ships Eclipsed By More Popular Couples

It seems like poor Kev is always the last to know what’s going on in Shameless. Yet, he tends to keep an eye on the people who would slip through the cracks without him, like his aging boss. He knows how to take care of people and nurture them without destroying their pride.

Kev is even more patient with Frank than most people are. Though he may complain loudly, he’s always there for the Gallagher kids. Kev’s not a very sharp guy; his partner, Veronica, is definitely the brains of the operation. They balance each other out beautifully.

4 Eric Values Friendship Above All

Boy Meets World

Eric Matthews Boy Meets World

Everything comes down to friendship for Eric in Boy Meets World. Nothing will come between him and the people he loves most; he’s incredibly loyal. Even though he’s a complete goofball, he pulls himself together when he needs to be there for someone.

Eric’s loyal nature extends into Girl Meets World as well. He teaches the next generation of kids that everything stops for friendship. Eric teaches in words and examples how to be more than a fair-weather friend and that giving up on people isn’t an option.

3 Tormund Loves Women Who Are Stronger Than Him

Game of Thrones

The Most Unpredictable Characters on TV

One of the best choices that the Game of Thrones ever made was trusting actor Kristofer Hivju with his vision for the character Tormund Giantsbane. He’s a wildling known for his strength and convictions, but one glance at the knight Brienne of Tarth has him making puppy dog eyes. He would crawl on his knees through broken glass just to have the woman give him a warm glance.

Tormund is not known for being such a lover boy in the A Song of Ice and Fire books, but the choice makes perfect sense for his character. Even if his feelings go unrequited, he has endless respect for Brienne. The warrior isn’t ashamed of his tender emotions, either, and humbly wears them on his sleeve, no matter how many people think he’s silly.

2 Self-Sacrificing David Never Loses Sight of What’s Right

Once Upon a Time

David Nolan from Once Upon a Time

David Nolan comes from humble beginnings, especially when he was Prince Charming in Once Upon a Time. He’s noble and self-sacrificing; he puts everyone else first, from his mother to his wife and child to his kingdom. It’s a difficult balancing act, and David always seeks communication over fighting.

David’s gentle, nurturing personality makes him a great match for Snow/Mary Margaret. If anything, sweet Mary Margaret is fiercer than he is. David/Prince Charming is up against a cruel and scheming queen, but his bravery stems from his immense capacity for love and hope for a better future.

1 Sweet Tommy Always Follows His Moral Compass

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

Tommy Oliver smiling in Power Rangers

Tommy Oliver is one of the most handsome Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and many growing up watching the show couldn’t wait for the moment when he and Kimberly became an item. Tommy may be athletic and incredibly talented, but he melts for Kimberly the second she’s in trouble, turning into a veritable Prince Charming. He never hesitates to take up for her when she’s in trouble.

The only time that Tommy shows any kind of meanness is when Rita brainwashes and controls him. When Tommy breaks out of the spell, he’s heartbroken at what he did, even though it wasn’t his fault. Tommy may be a strong martial artist and Power Ranger, but those strengths are nothing compared to the strength of his love and friendship.

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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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