
Tennis club awaits verdict on pavilion plan in Hove park – Brighton and Hove News

A tennis club hopes to be second time lucky as its planning application for a pavilion next to the courts in Hove Park goes before councillors.

The Hove Park Tennis Alliance has applied for permission for a timber building next to the tennis courts and near the table tennis tables.

But in January, Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Committee refused permission for a similar building close to a white mulberry tree.

The applicants then consulted the Friends of Hove Park, the three Westdene and Hove Park ward councillors and the council’s parks and gardens team, Cityparks, and opted for a new location.

The new application is due to be decided by the Planning Committee on Wednesday (6 December), with officials recommending approval.

More than 80 comments in support have been lodged with the council and almost 50 objections while a petition has been signed by 206 people objecting to the plans.

The tennis alliance has a 25-year lease from the council to operate as a volunteer-run, not-for-profit community sports club.

The building would provide seating, toilets, storage space and a refreshment area.

In its planning application, the alliance said: “The timber pavilion is designed to utilise the available space without being overbearing to its surroundings.

“No trees are removed to facilitate the building, the bio-solar roof and the planting of small trees and wildflower grasses within the proposed site area will help improve the site’s biodiversity and the timber and green roof aesthetic is sympathetic to the park surrounding.”

The tennis club, which has 400 adult members and 100 juniors, would share the pavilion with the Russell Martin Foundation, which runs the football pitches.

An anonymous supporter, whose details were redacted by the council, said: “The proposed pavilion will make a vital difference to the use of the tennis courts at Hove Park.

“By providing a changing room, toilets and storage, players will have access to vital facilities.

“The Hove Park courts have been immeasurably improved with the addition of floodlights. But without the facilities provided by a clubhouse, players are discouraged from using them.”

Several objectors criticised the size of the building and the choice of location, citing lost views of the park.

An anonymous objector, whose details were also redacted, said: “I am concerned that the building is too big and too tall for the location. It will restrict the current open view between the café and the tennis courts.

“It will no longer be possible to watch tennis from the café or the benches along the path. It also decreases space for children to play where they can be safely seen from courts or café.”

The proposed Hove Park tennis pavilion – Picture courtesy of Harp and Bright

The Planning Committee is due to meet at Hove Town Hall at 2pm on Wednesday (6 December). The meeting is scheduled to be webcast on the council’s website.

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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