
10 WCW Television Champions Who Disappeared Into Oblivion

Depending on when a wrestling fan began their journey as a fan, they would have one of two different viewpoints on World Championship Wrestling. Newer fans recognize only the worst of WCW as a company that they have learned from wrestling programming. While the low points of WCW have been well-documented, long-time wrestling fans recognize that WCW also had many high points as a company that are often forgotten.

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There are few companies who can boast about having a stacked roster like WCW did at many points in their history, and their mid-card strength was always a positive. Championships like the World Television Championship showcased many big talents over the years before they hit the big time. However, some of these talents have become enigmas over the years and faded away following their WCW tenures.

10 The Renegade Never Wrestled Again After WCW

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


When it comes to WCW wrestlers who simultaneously had little impact on the company but are remembered by many fans, The Renegade instantly comes to mind. Known most for being an Ultimate Warrior clone brought in to feud with Hulk Hogan, The Renegade quickly fizzled out of the wrestling industry.

The Renegade’s biggest impact in WCW was his Television Championship reign while the company was building him up. Unfortunately, things went downhill from there for the character and he did not last long in WCW before being released in 1998 and tragically taking his own life following his release.

9 Stevie Ray Subbed For Booker T As Champion In 1998

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


Professional wrestling not only bends its own rules at times but can sometimes throw them directly out the window. The “power of attorney” rule is not a well-known rule, but Stevie Ray was quick to exercise it on behalf of his brother Booker T to achieve his sole Television Championship reign.

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During an injury, Stevie Ray took over his brother’s championship reign and defended it on his behalf, but was recognized as champion for close to a month. Ray’s title reign may have come under sneaky pretenses, but it remains in the record books as his only singles championship during his long WCW career.

8 Rick Martel Retired From WCW Due To Injury

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While Rick Martel is best known for his model persona from his WWE tenure, WCW fans recognize his long history with the company. When he returned to action in 1998 as a reenergized singles star, fans were excited to see what he could do now that he had returned.

Only weeks after returning, Martel won the Television Championship from Booker T in a feel-good moment. Unfortunately, things would be short-lived after he tore a ligament in his knee during a rematch at SuperBrawl that year, which ended his in-ring career during what would have been a resurgence for the French-Canadian.

7 Perry Saturn Only Won One WCW Singles Championship

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It is surprising to most fans to learn that Perry Saturn did not have a highly successful singles career in comparison to other WCW mid-carders at the time. Despite his menacing demeanour and legitimate fighting skills, Saturn has little of note in the WCW record books.

RELATED: 10 Most Disappointing WCW Career Endings Ever

Perry Saturn’s sole WCW singles championship came as Television Champion after defeating Disco Inferno in 1997. Ultimately, Saturn would end up in WWE by 2000 as a WCW defector, but his in-ring career would widely fizzle out in 2002 before becoming an enigma.

6 Prince Iaukea Was Also Known As The Artist

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Whether he was known as Prince Iaukea or The Artist, there was plenty of talent on display while he was in WCW’s cruiserweight division. As an athletic and charismatic wrestler, it seemed like Iaukea was prime for a long career in professional wrestling.

Unfortunately, Iaukea was unable to land a spot in WWE after WCW’s closure, and according to cagematch.net took a long sabbatical from in-ring competition which led to most fans forgetting about him. Despite the Television Championship being his first singles title, it did not lead to big things for the Hawaiian-born wrestler.

5 Rufus Jones Is Slick’s Father

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


World Championship Wrestling’s history as a company has roots within both the National Wrestling Alliance and other Atlantic regional promotions. This means that many of the legacies of their championships predate many wrestling fans’ knowledge from before Ted Turner took over the company.

Rufus Jones was one of the toughest regional wrestlers in the area in the mid-1970s, but he never reached main-event status. Despite having plenty of promise, Jones was never able to achieve past regional status before he stopped wrestling in 1988 before WCW would begin its national reach.

4 Alex Wright Was Also A Former WCW Cruiserweight Champion

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


Few wrestlers hailed from Germany in the 1990s, and even fewer achieved the success that Alex Wright did in WCW. As a former Television, Cruiserweight and Tag Team Champion, Wright looked like he was poised for the big time due to his combination of strength, athleticism and untapped charisma.

RELATED: WCW’s 12 Best Cruiserweight Champions Of All Time, Ranked

Unfortunately, Wright unceremoniously exited the wrestling business after WCW went out of business, and he did not receive a WWE contract like many other contracted wrestlers. Ultimately, Wright found his calling as a trainer, who trained current WWE wrestler Giovanni Vinci.

3 There Are More Famous Cowboys Than Ron Bass

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Ron Bass wrestler

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Wrestlers portraying cowboys is not a new concept – whether fans recognize The Smokin’ Gunns or “Hangman” Adam Page, wrestling’s popularity in the southern states has resulted in many yee-haw wrestlers over the years. However, only the most hardcore former WCW fans would recognize the name “The Outlaw” Ron Bass.

As both a tag team and singles wrestler, Bass was a part of the NWA territory that would become WCW in the 1980s. Ultimately, Bass would retire in 1991 after a long in-ring career but is not an often remembered face among WCW’s stacked roster.

2 Mark Youngblood Faded Away After The Early Nineties

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


Alongside other native-American wrestlers like Wahoo McDaniel, Mark Youngblood was a part of Jim Crockett Promotions and was a perpetual babyface for the company. His combination of strength and speed made him popular with audiences, and his second-generation status positioned him well for a solid career.

After achieving both singles and tag team success, Mark began to fade away from the mainstream wrestling industry and last worked for the NWA in 1991. Youngblood would continue to have some success in Puerto Rico, but would not return to North American television in his career.

1 Ultimo Dragon Remains Active, But Not In North America

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Combined WCW Championship Reigns


There is no denying the impact that Ultimo Dragon has had on the wrestling industry. As a cruiserweight legend in Japan, Mexico and North America, he embodies what many light-heavyweight wrestlers were striving to achieve while their body of work was being ignored by larger companies.

After achieving plenty of success and championships in WCW, Ultimo Dragon would last be seen on North American television on the WWE roster in 2004. However, this stint did not go as planned and he would exit the company shortly after. While Ultimo Dragon continues as an active wrestler today, he has not appeared on mainstream television in a very long time.

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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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