
Tebas insists on the keys to FC Barcelona's salary limit in LaLiga – FC Barcelona Noticias

The FC Barcelona is confronting a situation complicated regarding the registration of new players in LaLiga. Because of the unlucky non-payment of the ‘crowbar’ of Free Football Finance, the club has seen considerably limited his capacity of registration. In front of this, Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, has used his social networks (@TebasJavier) to clear the situation of the Barça around this commonplace.

In the first place, the maximum representative of the patronal has taken advantage of the opportunity to deny the fact that the Plan of Feasibility determine the capacity to inscribe players. “The Plan of Tesorería does not give more capacity to inscribe. Another thing is that to force to the clubs to that they present it, impose them that they will not inscribe players, although have capacity for this, until they present it”, mentioned.

The reduction of the capacity of registration of the Barça in LaLiga

Besides, the Hispanic-costarricense also was cutting regarding that it has not broken this plan: “This plan establishes levels of debt that have to fulfil in 3 seasons. Not even it has happened a year”. Also it has signalled that the payment that was programmed for 15 June of this year and that did not carry out “has carried to an immediate reduction of the capacity of registration of the FCB in 60 millions”.

In this sense, Javier Thebes also has left clear that, although Orpheus Half and Socios.com aseveren have fulfilled his calendar of payments, for LaLiga this has not been like this, although they have modified the initial agreement, by what considered like incumplimiento of payment and, therefore, reduced the limit of registration.

The registration of Pablo Gavi

In relation with the registration of Pablo Gavi, the mandator of the patronal has affirmed that LaLiga “did not accept the registration of Gavi because the FCB had not generated capacity of registration in the season 23/24, but yes had done it in the 22/23“. To his time, looked for recalcar that, anyway, the Andalusian is inscribed by court order from January of 2023, and emphasized that although the ‘6’ Barcelona was not inscribed, the Barça had to pay his agreement and, if this situation gave , “would have more sanctions by have not attained to inscribe to the player because of the fault of capacity of registration”.

The role of Laporta and the directive of the FC Barcelona

Finally, Thebes also exposed that if it does not fulfil with the payment, as in this case with the ‘crowbar’, the owners and directors of the club can guarantee “with his personal heritage” that can generate capacity of registration. “In the case of the FCB, the members of the managerial board have guaranteeed that will generate this capacity of 18,5 million euros, and if they do not do it, LaLiga will execute these guarantees, that is to say, they will have to pay it, no the club. They are third people, are not the FCB, and besides do not have commercial relation neither labour with the FCB”, concluded.

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de marcahora.xyz y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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