
Television ad volumes in sports genre rose by 5% in July-September 2023 over 2022: TAM AdEx | Advertising


Advertising on Television for the sports genre witnessed growth in ad volumes of 53% during the April-June 2023 quarter over January–March 2023, according to a recent Tam AdEx report.


Whereas, July-September for the genre observed a de-growth of 10% in ad volumes over January–March of the same year, states the report.


Television advertising on the sports channel genre saw a 5% rise in volume from July to September 2023 compared to the corresponding period in 2022.

Video streaming app, Jiocinema maintained its position as the top brand throughout the first, second, and third quarters of 2023, even as cricket dominated the sports channel genre for four consecutive quarters, holding over 50% of the ad volumes, making it the most prominent program genre.

The ‘services’ sector retained its top position with a 50% share of ad volumes, followed by Food & Beverages in the July-September period over April-June.


Durables was the only new sector that entered the top 10 list during the period, compared to its 12th position in April-June. 


Ecommerce-Media/Entertainment/Social Media retained its top position in categories with a 39% share of ad volumes in the July-September quarter over the previous quarter.


Four categories entered the top 10 list while Ecommerce-Pharma/Healthcare was the only new category that was present in the July-September period as compared to April-June.


The top 10 categories collectively added 64% share of ad volumes in July-September.


Reliance Jio Infocomm was the leading advertiser in the first three quarters of 2023.


International Cricket Council, Amul’s GCMMF and Vini Product were the new entrants in the top 10 advertiser list in the July-September period over April-June. One8 Trion and Flipkart.Com were the exclusive advertisers that entered the top 10 list during the period.


The top 10 advertisers contributed a 62% share of ad volumes in the July-September quarter.


Five brands were new entrants in the top 10 list during the quarter.


Also, there were 2 exclusive brands present in the July-September period as compared to April-June, as per the report which analyses the sports advertising trends of the previous year across the quarterly periods of January-March, April-June and July-September, and top spenders across categories, advertisers & brands.



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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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