
ROH TV results: Television title defense and 2-out-of-3 falls tag match

Episode 46 of ROH TV on Honor Club featured two bouts of note. Kyle Fletcher put the ROH World Television Championship on the line against Angelico, and the beef between the Infantry and Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty escalated to a 2-of-of-3 falls tag team contest.

Fletcher continued his quest to become the greatest of all-time with the ROH World Television Championship. Next on the challenger list was Angelico. The South African used slick movement for a variety of kicks and submission locks. Fletcher muscled through for a suplex and a running knee to set up a piledriver for victory. That marks two successful title defenses in a row for Fletcher.


In the main event, Shane Taylor & Lee Moriarty battled Shawn Dean & Carlie Bravo of the Infantry. Taylor viewed his opponents as gluttons for punishment, so he will beat their ass one more time.

The Infantry responded with trash-talk about taking those chumps to boot camp. Live in fear, because the Infantry is here.

Ring the bell! Taylor was crafty in his strategy. He created a window of opportunity by ramming Bravo into the barricade. That led to a KO punch inside the ring for Taylor to win the first fall. The Infantry showed savviness of their own to take the second fall. Bravo booted Taylor off the apron. That tactic cleared the path for a frog splash from Bravo and a flying splash from Dean to pin Moriarty. Taiga Style shined in the third fall. Taylor caught Dean in the air to counter for a uranage. Tag to Moriarty to finish the job on a lifting flatliner slam. Taylor and Moriarty were victorious.

Results from the rest of ROH TV episode 46.

Zak Knight defeated Jon Cruz. Saraya’s brother earned his second win in ROH. Knight caught a flying crossbody to unload a suplex, a buckle bomb, and a running forearm strike to finish.

Tony Nese defeated Marcus Kross. No group training for the the fat slobs in the crowd. Instead, Nese planned to beat up the hometown boy. On a referee separation, Nese delivered a cheap shot back elbow to set up a piledriver.

The Righteous defeated the Dawsons. The newcomers were meaty brawlers, but Dutch was meatier and better at brawling. The righteous man took control with force for a spinning sidewalk slam to win. Afterward, Vincent threatened to break ankles with a wooden block.

Iron Savages defeated The Boys. The Tate twins stacked up as one tall person for a test of strength with Boulder. The burly man won, so Bronson forced the Boy into motorboating Boulder’s chest meat. Iron Savages sealed the deal on an electric chair splash.

Cole Karter defeated Serpentico. The rivalry continued. When the masked man gained momentum, Maria Kanellis and Griff Garrison ran in to interfere. Karter scored a roll-up to win. Afterward, Maria’s men took Serpentico to pound town. Angelico ran in for the save.

Queen Aminata defeated Lady Frost, Trish Adora, and Diamante. Four-way fight to establish bragging rights in the pecking order for the ROH Women’s World Television Championship. Adora and Aminata teamed up to powerbomb Frost off the turnbuckles onto Diamante on the mat. Aminata dumped Adora out of the ring, then the queen finished Frost on a flying stomp.

Josh Woods defeated LaBron Kozone. The Technical Beast mauled his opponent to win via GTS variation, which was named GTY for Grit Your Teeth.

Taya Valkyrie defeated Robyn Renegade. The Shania Pain curb stomp earned victory. Taya was also involved on the promo tip. Dalton Castle dined on despair and warm cheese mulling over smashing the face of Johnny TV. He needed his rival to accept a singles match. Lexy Nair was sent to ask Johnny, and that request was immediately denied. Johnny didn’t think Castle was TV ready. However, Taya was TV ready for the ROH women’s TV title. La Wera Loca is coming for that gold. (Full details here.)

Leyla Hirsch & Rachael Ellering defeated Brittany Jade & Emily Hale. Squash. Ellering executed a spinning side slam to earn the pin. Afterward, Abadon made a surprise appearance on stage. I think the intention was to get attention for the ROH women’s TV title division?

Blake Christian defeated Jack Cartwheel, Slim J, and Gravity. Four-way action. For all the exciting high-flying moves, it was a grounded hold that won the match. Christian cleared space to apply a cloverleaf submission on Slim.

Christopher Daniels defeated Lee Johnson. The aged veteran showed he can still hang with the young horses. CD planted Big Shotty to win via Angel’s Wings.

Athena was absent from the program. With the boss is away, the minions will play. Billie Starkz and Lexy Nair were ecstatic about partying at the mini golf course. Starkz also put the ROH women’s TV division on notice. That championship is hers.

Meanwhile, Athena was back home training minion prospects. Surprise! Nyla Rose ambushed Athena to chokeslam her through a wooden board. The message was clear. The Native Beast is coming for the ROH Women’s World Championship.

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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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