
Local Tucson non-profit is fighting drought in back yards and public spaces – AZPM – AZPM

As we head into the new year, the mega-drought across the west shows no signs of dissipating. Media attention is focused most heavily on the dwindling water supply in the Colorado river, but at least one organization in Tucson is quietly working on a local solution – and finding success.

The main office of Tucson Clean and Beautiful on East Irvington is modest: a nondescript, mid-twentieth century ranch. From the outside, the yard behind the chain-link fence appears rough and unkempt. You might drive by the place every day and never notice it.

But as you come inside the front gate, it becomes clear there is nothing random about the landscaping

Inside, Nichole Casebeer, who leads Tucson Clean and Beautiful’s Green Stormwater Infrastructure Program walks me through the front yard – what she calls a “rain garden.” and a clear pattern begins to emerge. She says like all rain gardens, it has three distinct layers.