
Blues fan survey results: GM Doug Armstrong’s approval rating, trade deadline and more – The Athletic

With the St. Louis Blues recently surpassing the midpoint of the 2023-24 season, The Athletic wanted your thoughts on several key aspects of the team’s retooling and outlook moving forward.

We sent out a fan survey with 15 questions, and there were more than 1,500 responses.

The subjects included not only the retool, but also Doug Armstrong’s decision to fire Craig Berube and replace him with Drew Bannister, Bannister’s chances of keeping the job permanently, and whether someone such as ex-Blues coach Joel Quenneville might be of interest.

We also wanted to know what you would do with the Blues’ roster as the NHL approaches the trade deadline on March 8. Load up for a run at the playoffs? Go into sell mode?

We’ll have questions, too, featuring Robert Thomas, Pavel Buchnevich, Jake Neighbours, Jordan Kyrou, Colton Parayko, Jordan Binnington and Joel Hofer, as well as prospects Jimmy Snuggerud and Dalibor Dvorsky.

If you’re a subscriber and chimed in on our survey, we thank you for your support. And if not, please enjoy the fans’ consensus, and feel free to debate them in the comment section.

Halfway through the season, how are the Blues performing compared to your preseason expectations?

Options Percentage

About the same






Takeaway: Originally, I limited the options to “better” or “worse.” But then I figured some people expected the Blues to be up and down, and in the middle of the pack, and neither option would reflect that. It turns out that the overwhelming majority say the club is about the same. Either there are a lot of smart fans or I gave them an easy way out.

Did Armstrong make the right decision to fire Berube?

Options Percentage

Remains to be seen






Takeaway: There seems to be a shift in public opinion compared to when the surprising announcement was made in December. At the time, Armstrong was roundly booed when shown at a game, and those against the move were far more outspoken. Now, some have changed their minds or are open to the possibility that it might’ve been the right move.

Do you think Bannister will eventually be named head coach?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: Fans like how Bannister has held players accountable and how areas of the Blues’ game such as the power play have improved. Still, the jury remains out with half of the fan base because they either believe Bannister isn’t the right coach to lead the franchise at this point or believe Armstrong has someone with more experience in mind.

If Quenneville were interested in the job and cleared by the NHL to return, would you be in favor of him returning to St. Louis?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: I’m a little surprised with this result for a simple reason. Blues fans love their own, and Quenneville was a popular coach in St. Louis from 1997 to 2004, winning a franchise-best 307 games. His role in the Chicago Blackhawks-Kyle Beach abuse cover-up may be a factor here, or fans may just think he’s not a good choice for a retool.

What is your confidence level in Armstrong during the Blues’ retool?

(5 = full confidence, 1 = no confidence)

Options Percentage











Takeaway: This shows that fans continue to have faith in Armstrong. If they truly didn’t feel like he could do the job, there would have been a lot more twos and threes. The fact that the fours earned nearly 40 percent shows that a lot of them believe he’s the one best suited to make the difficult decisions during what could be two or three more years of the same.

Based on what you’ve seen from the Blues this season, should Armstrong go into a full rebuild?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: Here’s a case where the true feeling of the fan base outnumbers the outspoken ones. Whether at games or on social media, I’ve heard a lot of people say that a rebuild is the only way to go. But I don’t know if they truly have the appetite to watch a bottom-five team for as long as five years. Not all, but most fans want the team to compete.

Aside from Thomas, who leads the Blues in scoring and will play in the All-Star Game, who has been the team’s best player this season?

Takeaway: There was no reason to include Thomas in this vote because he would have run away with it. I’m not surprised that Binnington was next in line — he’s been that good. Parayko coming next was the right choice, too, and then there was an expected drop-off. Buchnevich is a great player, perhaps one of the team’s best, but he’s been inconsistent.

Should the Blues re-sign Pavel Buchnevich? (Jasen Vinlove / USA Today)

Should the Blues re-sign Buchnevich when he’s eligible for a contract extension on July 1 or trade him to help bolster the retool?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: This furthers the notion that most fans do not want to go through a full rebuild. If they did, they would want to trade Buchnevich and acquire a good sum of assets. But instead, a lot of them want to re-sign the 28-year-old forward, who with one more year left on his contract will be 30 when he starts his new deal. They want him to be part of this.

What’s your confidence level in Kyrou’s continued improvement and being worth his eight-year, $65 million contract?

(5 = full confidence, 1 = no confidence)

Options Percentage











Takeaway: For a player who scored 37 goals a year ago, there’s not a lot of confidence in Kyrou when twos and threes make up nearly 60 percent of the votes. Only five percent of the fan base has full faith. Kyrou has been better in some areas of his game this season, but the overall inconsistency has many concerned about the last seven years of his deal.

With Parayko’s bounce-back season, are you comfortable with him as the team’s “No. 1” defenseman?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: I purposely included the title of “No. 1 defenseman” in this question because that’s what the Blues wanted Parayko to become when he took over for Alex Pietrangelo. It turns out, even as well as he’s played this season, some will never see him that way. That’s understandable, but whether he’s a No. 1 or 2, he’s still played well and deserves credit.

Would you trade Binnington and turn to Hofer if Armstrong could bolster the retool?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: Binnington, as mentioned, has been stellar this season, singlehandedly winning many games, and going without him, even if Hofer grew into the role, would be a step back. The Blues could probably get a mint for Binnington from a playoff team that needs a goalie, so fans are speaking loudly here again, saying they want the team to stay competitive.

Which young player currently on the Blues roster are you most excited about?

Takeaway: Neighbours is the clear choice in what has been a breakout season. If not for that success, some fans might have begun using the word “bust” and been ready to move on, but now he’s mentioned by some as part of the Blues’ future core. Hofer deserves to be in the conversation, too, but his day should come when his role becomes bigger.

Which of the Blues’ prospects not currently in the organization are you most excited about?

Player Percentage

Jimmy Snuggerud


Dalibor Dvorsky


Theo Lindstein


Otto Stenberg


Takeaway: If you watched the World Junior Championship, where Snuggerud won gold with Team USA, you know why Snuggerud took home more than 70 percent of the vote. His shot is something the Blues need on their roster ASAP, and it could happen by the end of this season. Dvorsky is a distant second but still someone who excites everyone.

Will the Blues make the playoffs this season?

Options Percentage





Takeaway: The Blues are just five points out of a wild-card spot in the Western Conference with 38 games remaining, and while making the playoffs will be a challenge, it’s not impossible. I agree with the conclusion in this vote, but I thought the split might have been a little closer. The pessimism is understandable, though, considering all the inconsistency.

Should Armstrong be a buyer at the NHL trade deadline and improve the team’s chances at the playoffs or be a seller and focus on the future?

Options Percentage



Stand pat




Takeaway: Though fans want the Blues to avoid a rebuild, the fact that nearly 80 percent of the votes are doubtful about making the playoffs and want the team to sell shows that they are thinking beyond this season. They want Armstrong to go to work, just not with guys like Buchnevich and Binnington so that the club can bounce back next season.

(Top photo of Jordan Kyrou and Jordan Binnington: Jeff Curry / USA Today)

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de marcahora.xyz y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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