
Formula 1 rejects Andretti Global’s bid; lacks competitiveness, value – IndyStar

Formula 1 management has swiftly and unmistakably rejected Andretti Global’s bid to become an expansion franchise in the pinnacle of motorsport in the 2025 or 2026 seasons. It comes nearly four months after the FIA — F1’s governing body — gave Andretti its seal of approval that made the global motorsport franchise the sole finalist in the FIA’s Expression of Interest process the body opened last spring.

In its three-page report released Wednesday morning, F1 did leave the door open on Andretti’s future hopes to enter the sport that its namesakes Mario and Michael Andretti raced in decades ago. The sport’s officials proposed that General Motors’ plan to supply engines in F1 in 2028 — plans the company announced in November to help bolster Andretti’s F1 bid after initially attaching themselves to Michael Andretti’s project as a minor manufacturing partner in January of last year — could sway them.

But the sport’s owners pulled no punches in its decision that Andretti’s proposal, as it currently stands, would fail to reach F1’s competitive standards while providing little value to the sport and its current stakeholders, while at the same time serving as a burden to those currently invested in the sport.

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Julieta Elena

Tiene más de 5 años de experiencia en la redacción de noticias deportivas en línea, incluyendo más de cuatro años como periodista digital especializado en fútbol. Proporciona contenido principalmente relacionado con el fútbol, como avances de partidos y noticias diarias. Forma parte de marcahora.xyz desde abril de 2023.

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