
Sports Television Needs Spectacle Like Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson

This week, I will be attending my first BSM Summit. I’d intended to go multiple times in the past and something always seemed to get in the way. Now, working with the team, I get a chance to go and see what all of the hype is about.

I look forward to catching up with those I have met in the past but not seen in awhile. I also look forward to meeting some new people, many whose names are familiar to me. The speakers for the BSM Summit is a who’s who of industry stars and I’m looking forward to their insights. Not just about what is happening now, but also and maybe most importantly, what the plans are for the future.

I think this is a critical time in our industry. Now, more than ever, we need this group together in one place to talk this all out. Many will have the same long and shor-term thoughts on their minds.

If you are in market No. 1 or market No. 120, you are probably dealing with budget concerns, lack of outside marketing, trying to get more out of your local talent, a need for new revenue streams, understanding podcasting, keeping up with the ever-changing worlds of digital and social media, the future of the AM dial, attribution concerns, recruitment challenges, how to incorporate gambling and fantasy sports and more.

I will be hosting two panels and very much looking forward to being on stage with both groups. It will be interesting to see how different they are. I have one group which is made up of Boston and New York Market Managers. The other has leaders from Las Vegas, Columbus and West Palm Beach.

With the larger market group, our BSM Summit session is called “Strictly Business.”

We will look at what gives stations in these markets the best chance for economic growth moving forward. The group will also address where streaming and digital will come in to play with revenue. We will also talk about big changes which have happened or will happen soon. We also hope to get into the pros and cons of play-by-play and live events.

My other BSM Summit session is “Riding the Revenue Train.”

We will look at how the year has started for these stations and whether they are finding themselves moving forward as they suspected they would in 2024 or have they had to pull back due to a rough start to the year. We will also look at the creative process in their buildings and find out where ideas come from, do they schedule creative meetings or do as needed and what role the talent and/or sales departments have in the process. I will also ask the panelists about their concerns and where they see the greatest hope for the future.

I have already written how excited I am to hear Paul Heyman speak. The man has never had a dull thing to say in his life. So, make sure you are in your chair on Wednesday at 3:10 p.m.

To finish up Wednesday, we all get a treat in getting a chance to hear from Stephen A. Smith. We know how well he speaks, but he’s also one of the best people we can hear from now. He is a great example of someone setting themselves up for success both now and in the future.

Stephen A. is at the top of his game, driving ratings, driving revenue, selling books, driving listens in the podcasting space, making news with strong opinions and he is very much planning for his future. He certainly could kick back and enjoy the fruits of his labor if he wanted to. However, he is taking a completely different approach.

You’ll hear a person who is set up in a big way to either get an enormous contract from ESPN and dominate the national television scene or someone who could walk away from the corporate side of things and do what others have done and create something on their own.

I believe we will see a little of both. Reading between the lines, it seems Stephen A. could end up with the best of both worlds. He can get paid a huge sum of money to be one of the stars of the Worldwide Leader. He can also work several things into his contract where he gets the freedom needed to build out his own empire.

All in all, this upcoming week at the BSM Summit is setting up to be something special in New York. As Alicia Keys sang with Jay-Z, “These streets will make you feel brand-new, big lights will inspire you, let’s hear it for New York.”


The Best Thing I Heard This Week

Rack ’em! Jim Rome had Kevin Harlan as his guest on The Jim Rome Podcast. It was a terrific interview, especially for young broadcasters to listen to. Kevin Harlan is simply one of the best in the business and his resume speaks for itself. He is in the very top echelon of play-by-play announcers.

When Rome asked him if he ever listens back to his broadcasts and critiques himself he said, “Every game. Every single game and I think if you don’t, you are robbing yourself of a chance to improve, personally and individually. I feel that a lot of my career has been based on self-improvement and I like to think I am evolving season to season and year to year and I like that challenge. I like the business of broadcasting and I like the chance to do even better the next game.”

These words should be printed and posted at every broadcasting school in the country.

I also picked this becasue it allows me to tell my Kevin Harlan story.

In the late 80’s I had the great fortune of attending a broadcasting camp put on by local St. Louis sportscaster Art Holliday, who is now the news director at the very same local NBC station (KSDK) where he once roamed the sports office. The camp was incredible, a lot of practical experience plus each day a special guest came in. Drew Goodman was a speaker one day, Bob Costas came in one day and then we had the chance to hear from a young broadcaster who was doing Missouri Tigers and Kansas City Chiefs games, Kevin Harlan.

The day Kevin was in was the day we were going over to University of Missouri-St. Louis’ gym where former NBA player Anthony Bonner hosted a summer league. We had the opportunity to do play-by-play (picture students set up at small tables with headsets all around the sidelines of the court) of some games and each pair would switch-off being the other’s analyst. I had no idea Harlan had come to the gym with us. He went from pair to pair listening to each person do play-by-play.

I got lucky. Right as I took over doing play-by-play, Harlan was standing right behind me. Immediately, one team missed a shot, the other got the rebound and pushed it up the floor with two quick passes. This led to a huge dunk at the other end of the floor. I nailed the call. My partner slapped me on the arm in excitement and I was almost coming out of my chair. I looked up and Kevin Harlan is running to the other side of the gym directly across frome me, he looked right at me and gives me a big smile and a thumbs up! He has no idea what that moment meant to a young, aspiring broadcaster.

You can listen to the full interview by clicking here.


In Case You Missed It

Last week, Demetri Ravanos wrote a column posing a question about a programming change made in New Orleans. Cumulus’ 106.1 FM flipped formats from Nash Icon to FOX Sports Radio, which is distributed by Premiere Networks, which is owned by iHeartMedia. We all know the top properties at national sports networks get major clearance across the country and fill the mid-morning or mid-afternoon slots.

It works in some markets and not in others but if you are positioning it correctly, those shows should drive some revenue. However, if you are flipping on the network and calling that your radio station, without any local programming and marketing, what are you really doing? Nash Icon, FOX Sports Radio or polka music could be playing on that signal and all we know is two things will not be happening – ratings or revenue.

You can read Demetri’s column by clicking here.

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Antea Morbioli

Hola soy Antea Morbioli Periodista con 2 años de experiencia en diferentes medios. Ha cubierto noticias de entretenimiento, películas, programas de televisión, celebridades, deportes, así como todo tipo de eventos culturales para MarcaHora.xyz desde 2023.

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