
Gratitude for life: Friendship and ‘blue space’ replenish the soul | Candace McKibben – Tallahassee Democrat

Rev. Candace McKibben

Several years ago, my dear seminary friends were planning to come to Florida to tour National Parks here that they had not yet visited. They wanted to come during the winter months when our heat is more tolerable for my friends who love the cold so much they just returned from a trip to Antarctica.

They were able to make the trip to Florida this year and graciously invited my husband and me to join them for part of the journey.

We selected the beginning of their trip, involving meeting up in Miami at an RV park, touring the Biscayne National Park which is 95% water, followed by the Dry Tortugas National Park (99% water), located about 70 miles west of Key West and encompassing Fort Jefferson and seven keys, collectively known as the Dry Tortugas. The Florida Keys stretch from Biscayne Bay to Dry Tortugas National Park, with over 800 keys spanning 180 miles.

It was joyful to be with these dear friends from Richmond, Virginia, and to catch up on our lives. While there is not a lot of research on “friendships,” what those who study it have found is that friends are especially important in adolescence and as we age.

Friendships can survive neglect, and often do, but I am learning that they grow dearer and more meaningful with a little attention. Several times last week during our visit, I found myself hugging one or the other of these longtime friends, just grateful to be in their company.

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de marcahora.xyz y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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