
LALIGA’s Javier Tebas Takes Aim At Florentino Perez And Real Madrid – Forbes

Javier Tebas was typically self-assured when speaking to journalists at LALIGA’s third annual LALIGA Impulso (Boost LALIGA) Club Conference in Tarragona, Spain. During a wide-ranging media breakfast interview, the LALIGA President discussed the benefits of the league’s CVC deal, LALIGA’s role in Europe and the European Super League, taking aim at Real Madrid President Florentino Perez about the latter.

The CVC deal, which Tebas says is helping clubs advance 15 years without the need for public funding, is just one of many bones of contention between the presidents of LALIGA and Real Madrid. In fact, Real Madrid, Athletic Bilbao and FC Barcelona — with the backing of the Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) — took legal action against the private equity deal, on the grounds that it was illegal, against the league’s own statutes and infringed on the rights of the participating clubs. FC Barcelona and the RFEF later withdrew from the case, which was dismissed in late February by the Spanish Court.

The court’s ruling was met with celebration in the league office. LALIGA’s official statement said “The ruling confirms the legality of the agreement with CVC, stating that it complies with the legal and statutory frameworks in force. Furthermore, it stresses that neither LaLiga’s statutes nor the applicable regulations for the management and administration of the audiovisual and economic rights of sports organisations were violated. This implies that the operation was carried out in compliance with the powers and procedures established in law and LaLiga’s statutes.”

But while Athletic Bilbao, and to some extent FC Barcelona, maintain a friendly relationship with the league and its front office, the relationship between Los Blancos and LALIGA is extremely frosty. Tebas and Perez do not see eye-to-eye on many issues, but friction between the league and its most storied club has been exacerbated since the failed launch of the European Super League in 2021. In his speech at the Real Madrid AGM in 2023, Perez said he would take measures to help the club protect itself from the league, whom he claimed were “attacking the club’s financial wealth.”

In Tarragona, Tebas said that Perez “is a great Real Madrid President, but a very bad manager of competitions.” He was referring to the ongoing saga of the European Super League which Florentino Perez and A22 Sports Management insist is still a possibility. In the wake of the ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) which stated that UEFA
and FIFA are in breach of competition law, the Real Madrid President released a video in which he said:

“At Real Madrid we welcome with enormous satisfaction the decision adopted by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), which is responsible for guaranteeing our principles, values ​​and freedoms. In the coming days we will carefully study the scope of this resolution, but I do anticipate two conclusions of great historical significance.”

“Firstly, that European club football is not and will never again be a monopoly. And secondly, that from today the clubs will be the masters of their destiny. In short, today the Europe of freedoms has triumphed again and today football and its fans have also triumphed.”

When discussing the Super League at PortAventura, Tebas mockingly agreed, saying “the Super League has been alive since 2000 with Florentino and the G-14, and it will stay alive.” The G-14 was a group of leading European clubs that formed in the late 90s to negotiate with UEFA and FIFA with one voice. It included the biggest clubs across Europe’s top five leagues at the time and seriously contemplated a breakaway league.

But speaking in a more serious tone the LALIGA President said that the CJEU had not greenlit a Super League; it merely declared that UEFA and FIFA have monopolies that breach EU competition law and they must adjust their statutes to comply with competition rules. Moreover, he said that even if the Super League were given the go ahead by UEFA, it would not be in its current form, which he said “goes against the values of competition of the European Union.”

Tebas did admit that despite completely disagreeing with Perez’s interpretation of the ruling, he knows that Perez will never lose the narrative battle in Spain, such is his influence. In the same breath, he stated that Florentino Perez “has zero influence in Europe,” all but saying that this is one of many reasons why the Super League project has failed so far.

When pushed to answer the question of what would happen if the Super League did launch, Tebas was unequivocal, saying that “the domestic leagues would disappear.” He estimated that if the Super League were to launch under its proposed format, airing games for free in the midweek, primetime TV slot, LALIGA would lose roughly 60% of its revenue, they would have to lower broadcast prices and clubs would be unable to buy players and therefore compete at the elite level. He noted that “they don’t understand the effects that the model they presented would have on domestic leagues,” adding, “Florentino does not want a strong league, he wants a league he can control.”

Despite the ongoing friction, Tebas welcomed Real Madrid sending representatives to the LALIGA Impulso conference, saying he wanted them to see how (well) LALIGA is working. According to him, LALIGA is the top performing domestic league in terms of on-field performance — he noted historic European performance — and one of the top three leagues economically, below the Premier
League and alongside the Bundesliga. But where LALIGA stands out in his opinion is institutionally.

Ironically, he says his league is the only one leading the charge against the Super League, despite Spain’s two biggest clubs remaining the last two holdouts in favor of it. He claims other leagues and clubs are against it, but are too afraid to speak out openly, something he is evidently not opposed to doing.

Without hesitation, he called LALIGA “ideological leaders of European soccer,” stating that the league’s influence is such that it routinely receives calls from sporting and non-sporting organizations from across Europe seeking its input about potential reforms.

Tebas remains bullish that under his leadership LALIGA clubs are professionalizing, internationalizing and remaining competitive on the pitch. With the introduction of the CVC deal and English clubs reining in their spending, he sees Spanish clubs continuing to compete at a high level on and off the field. Furthermore, he notes that English owners have tired of investing their money, and says that thanks to the new Profitability and Sustainability Rules (PSR
) the Premier League is finally implementing, the market will return to a more normal state in which English clubs spend around €150 million in the summer window.

Still, there is trouble in Tebas’s own backyard. LALIGA’s two biggest clubs, FC Barcelona and Real Madrid, remain at odds with the league, and Barça is in a perilous financial state. Tebas believes that if the Catalan club does not resolve its lawsuit with Libero and receive its €40 million payment, it will have to sell a major player this offseason. All the more reason why Tebas thinks Laporta and Co. are clinging to the Super League as their potential “lottery ticket.”

More worryingly, Real Madrid, Europe’s most successful club and Spain’s most powerful, continue to create controversy through their television station, RMTV. Tebas sees this as part of Florentino Perez’s push for control, and questions whether RMTV should be allowed to continue to operate as it routinely challenges sporting values. Throughout the 2023-2024 LALIGA season, Real Madrid has consistently published videos criticizing refereeing performances, creating a level of continuous tension around referees that Tebas says he hasn’t seen around “for the last ten years.” He notes that the strategic social media strategy being used by the club is making the content go viral inorganically, and admits that he is “quite worried.”

Towards the end of the media breakfast Tebas reiterated his happiness with the progress being made by LALIGA, noting that overall attendance records were broken last season and television and streaming audiences have never been as high. He admits that “having to face Florentino Perez everyday is not comfortable,” nevertheless, he remains ready to fight the Super League at every opportunity and is eager to introduce strict legislation to crackdown on illegal streaming, which he laughingly said means that more fans than are officially accounted for are watching LALIGA.

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de marcahora.xyz y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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