
WFP Colombia Country Brief, April 2024 – Colombia – ReliefWeb

WFP Colombia Country Brief, April 2024 – Colombia | ReliefWeb

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In Numbers

  • 418.38 mt of food assistance distributed
  • USD 2.5 m cash-based transfers made
  • USD 46.1 m six months (May – October 2024) net funding requirements, representing 51 percent of total
  • 220,200 people assisted in April 2024

Operational Updates

  • In April, WFP assisted more than 148,800 Colombians, returnees and host communities (including 58,200 internally displaced persons) as well as 71,400 migrants across 17 departments. The activities through which WFP assisted them include:
  • School Feeding – This month, WFP reached 80,150 children including 12,000 migrant children.
  • Mobile Units – Despite a volatile security situation and mobility restrictions, the mobile unit’s operation supported 18,200 people (5,460 girls, 5,550 boys and 5,400 women) and coordinated a psychosocial support to these beneficiaries.
  • Women’s empowerment – April marked the conclusion of the 4-year project Oportunidades Pacificas Mujeres Rurales, upporting rural women’s empowerment. The project involved organizations including more than 1,600 people (90 percent rural women and 50 percent Indigenous and Afro- Colombian people). An average of 23,400 m2 of land was sown and harvested for self-consumption, while more than 5,500 people were trained on sustainable production practices and market access.
  • Socio-economic integration (SEI) – WFP finalised the implementation of 7 SEI projects in Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Bolivar, La Guajira and Santander while starting new projects focused on entrepreneurship and employability in Arauca, Antioquia, Santander and Valle del Cauca. In Bogotá and Norte de Santander, WFP started a new SEI pilot that promotes an integrated approach to respond to migrants, IDPs and host populations’ challenges by supporting the transition from dependence on humanitarian assistance to sustainable livelihoods.
  • Additionally, WFP launched a Communication with Communities strategy in its cash-based transfer projects related to assistance of migrants.
  • In April, in line with WFP’s fast-track protocol for protection cases, WFP provided immediate assistance to 8 survivors of gender-based violence.
  • WFP also worked on fostering compliance with corporate ethical guidelines among its operations with ethnic groups through target training in field offices.

Report details

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Marc Valldeperez

Soy el administrador de marcahora.xyz y también un redactor deportivo. Apasionado por el deporte y su historia. Fanático de todas las disciplinas, especialmente el fútbol, el boxeo y las MMA. Encargado de escribir previas de muchos deportes, como boxeo, fútbol, NBA, deportes de motor y otros.

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